Ok everyone as many of yall might know by now football season is right around the corner, but GRILLING season is here now!! Ha who want come test!! You see me and my family are "GRILLERS", full time, year around, any weather, any reason "GRILLERS". During football season alot of people come out and claim to be grillmasters..naw, im here to knock em out the box(no pun intended but whatever lol). So in this post ima show my new BlogFamily how to at least look the part; u see a true grillmaster its in the cooking but to start we can look good doing it.
Alright lets just jump right in. Now lets say our cooking skills r not up to par thats ok; listen I didnt become the reigning grillmaster champion 5 years in a row(Fonsi beat me last year) overnight, it takes time we will get u there. So lets get there mind off the food and ooh,aww them with the grill.
BAAAM!! Bread Breaker Two Duel-Fuel Hybrid Grill -aka- the biggest, baddest, meanest grill on your street.The hybrid grilling system allows you to use wood, charcoal, gas, or a combination of the three to cook your food.

Now if your cooking skill is a fast one with alot friends that like to watch there weight.Than....
BOOM!!! The George Foreman iGrill, yes I said iGrill. Lean mean fat-reducing iPod adapting grilling machine.

Now ur asking all this cooking but what is everyone gonna watch the games on?
POW!!! Epson Ensemble HD Home Cinema System. 100-inch motorized screen, an Epson PowerLite 3LCD projector,Atlantic tech speaker system, and a bunch of other stuff I dont understand.

Now everyone is eating, watching football, but nobody has time to get u a beer and neither do you. Who else is gonna sauce those churrascos you got grilling there? Never leave ur station but we cant go thirsty....BAADA BING!!! Brewski Rambo style.

Ok family I think we r preped up in the style dept when it comes to grilling. Good luck in grilling season. I had alot of fun with this post. Haha. More secrets coming soon.
Oh and the most important part...